Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Anti-Russia Hysteria

New World Notes #517, 27:32 (January 30)
Broadcast quality MP3 (38 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Philip Giraldi

K.D. reflects on U.S. exaggerations of the Russian threat in the 1950s. Those "Cold War" lies and distortions greatly increased the profits of the military-industrial complex (as intended). And it looks like the same stunt is being pulled again today.

Next we read an article on the subject by retired CIA officer Philip Giraldi--"Washington Invented Hacking and Interfering in Elections." Then a recording of Giraldi discussing today's anti-Russia hysteria and related issues.

The Giraldi audio is excerpted from the radio program Takes On the World (January 11, 2017). Many thanks to producer and host Jeff Blankfort. An archive of Takes On the World is available on radio4all.net.

Giraldi's article was published in Unz Review on January 10, 2017.

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