Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Gore Vidal

New World Notes #597, 28:49 (August 13)
Broadcast quality MP3 (40 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Progressive historian, analyst, social critic, public intellectual, anti-imperialist, and wit (not to mention novelist and screenwriter) Gore Vidal is fondly remembered in this tribute. Vidal is in fine form as he holds forth in two interviews, from 2005 and 2003. With a brief introduction by K.D.

Gore Vidal, October 3, 1925 - July 31, 2012.

Thanks to the U.S. program Five o'Clock Shadow (2012, containing the 2005 interview) and the Australian program Dateline (2003) for the Vidal audio. I have excerpted from, edited, and condensed both programs. Top photo courtesy ABC News.

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