Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Backlash Against Women

New World Notes #380, 28:50 (June 16)
Broadcast quality MP3 (40 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Writer and activist Jennifer Roesch explores the apparent contradiction in our culture: rampant hypersexualiztion and commodification of women but also increasing repression of women's sexuality. In combatting the former, she argues, we should be careful not to promote the latter. Let's not recreate the 1950s--the late 1960s are a better model of progress and liberation.

For Roesch, the ultimate cause of both sleaze and repression is capitalism run amok. And we can't have sexual freedom without social and economic freedom.

Roesch spoke at the Socialism 2013 conference, June 27, 2013.  Audio (which I have condensed and edited for radio) courtesy of

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