Saturday, November 14, 2015

Parenti Ad Lib

Part 1: New World Notes #402, 28:31 (Nov.17)
Broadcast quality MP3 (39 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Part 2: New World Notes #403, 28:00 (Nov.24)
Broadcast quality MP3 (38 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Michael Parenti

In Part 1:

Progressive political scientist Michael Parenti's unscripted reflections on capitalism, socialism, student rebellion, Cuban plumbers, Russian prostitutes, worker ownership of workplaces, and Parenti's former running mate--and former close friend--Bernie Sanders.

Plus a relevant song by David Rovics.

In Part 2:

Parenti takes on capitalism, socialism, public utilities, popular rebellion, plutocrats in general, the Waltons in particular, Occupy Wall Street, and the monetary system.

Plus a brief recorded Parenti essay from 2005--"Welfare for the Wealthy"--and a song by Monty Python's Flying Circus.

Parenti spoke in Springfield, Illinois, on October 6, 2015.  The original recording--which I have condened and edited--is courtesy of the Unifersity of Illinois at Springfield and Dale Lehman/WZRD (via  "Welfare for the Wealthy" courtesy of L.A. Sound Posse.  Many thanks.

 Bernie Sanders (courtesy

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