Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Great Hamburger Blowup

New World Notes #580, 29:03 (April 16)
Broadcast quality MP3 (40 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

A classic broadcast from 1965 by radio's great humorist-satirist-storyteller, Jean Shepherd. Condensed by K.D.

With wit and humor, Shepherd reflects on adolescent psychology ... on being "shot down" ... on traumatic experiences ... and on the absurd prose on back of packages--notably Official World's Fair Toothpicks. Then he tells a story from his childhood: how he snuck into a Ukrainian-American picnic, pretended to speak Ukrainian, and--to his later regret--consumed 17 hamburgers.

Jean Shepherd

Originally broadcast on WOR AM-FM on April 1, 1965. Original recording courtesy of Radio Veronica via

This installment is the fourth, to date,  in our series of classic Jean Shepherd broadcasts, condensed and then aired again on New World Notes. The others are

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