Wednesday, September 30, 2020

True to Earth

Part 1: New World Notes #657, 28:32 (October 6)
Broadcast quality MP3 (39 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Part 2: New World Notes #658, 27:54 (October 13) 
Broadcast quality MP3 (38 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

A classic audio collage by Chazk / Virtual Renderings, condensed a bit by KD. It explores the root of today's social, economic, and environmental crises: Western civilization's out-of-touch-ness with the natural world. American Indians provide better examples of how to thrive in the world. 

Included: the greatest Navajo insult, why hunter-gatherers lived longer and better than people in agricultural societies, and other interesting ideas.

The piece blends commentary by indigenous people and Euro-Americans, plus a good deal of music.

Unedited versions of Virtual Renderings' 114 audio collages are archived at (Another link is under "Worth a Look," at the top of this blog's gray right-hand sidebar.)

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