Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Ending the Many Wars in Syria

Part 1: New World Notes #531, 28:21 (May 8)
Broadcast quality MP3 (39 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Part 2: New World Notes #532, 28:39 (May 15)
Broadcast quality MP3 (40 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

In a fine speech, Phyllis Bennis argues that several wars are now being fought in Syria. There is no military solution to the disaster--so let's try diplomacy instead.

She argues that Syria is suffering not from a war but from a half-dozen different wars now being fought there. Many of these are "proxy wars" between other countries (e.g., Saudi Arabia and Iran) being "fought to the last Syrian" There is no military solution to the Syrian disaster--and furthermore, every military adventure the U.S.has taken in this century has been a dismal failure.

But our record at diplomacy has been good. So let's try diplomacy instead of war in Syria.

Bennis offers fresh and interesting insights, not only about Syria but about America's role in Iraq and Afghanistan as well.

Part 2 includes an afterword by KD and a little music.

Bennis Spoke at Emanuel College, Boston, on October 13, 2016. Many thanks to Dave Goodman, of I.B.I.S. Radio (ibisradio.org), for the original recording. I have snipped out a few stumbles and pauses; the talk is otherwise uncut.

Previousy broadcast, as NWN #451, in October 2016. Files downloaded from the links, above, are identified as #451.

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