Tuesday, April 10, 2018

American Food

New World Notes #527, 28:16 (April 10)
Broadcast quality MP3 (39 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

The season inspires thoughts of food--including the politics, economics, and ecology of American agriculture. Some personal reflections by KD are interwoven with eight short commentaries by Jim Hightower and a little music.

Topics include deceptive packaging, declining food-safety rules for corporate meatpackers, low wages at fast-food chains, huge "agricultural" subsidies for the rich, how drug-warriors destroyed an organic farm, and a Connecticut vegetable farmer decides to add a few pigs and sell a little pork.

Previously broadcast, as NWN #300, in December 2013. Files downloaded from the links, avove, are identified as #300.

Jim Hightower's recorded commentaries are from his Web site.

1 comment:

Arjun Kapoor said...

Informative article! Thanks for sharing such an useful Information.Keep it up!
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