Tuesday, December 3, 2019

More Gore

New World Notes #613, 28:32 (December 3)
Broadcast quality MP3 (39 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Gore Vidal, with Senator John F. Kennedy, 1960

The late activist-essayist-novelist-historian Gore Vidal reads his "Open Letter To the Next President." I hope Elizabeth and Bernie are listening, for Vidal's "letter"  is as timely now as it was when he spoke--shortly before the election of 2000.

Vidal urges dismantling the out-of-control Pentagon and the National Security State, and he denounces Congress for serving the corporations rather than the citizens.

Plus a clip from the movie Bob Roberts and some music by Bruce Cockburn.

This is the third in our series of shows featuring Gore Vidal. Our pages on the first and second shows are here and here,

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