Saturday, October 10, 2009

Women, War, & Violence

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Lisa F. Jackson filming The Greatest Silence

This week, New World Notes revives an early show you may have missed: "Women, War, & Violence" (originally NWN # 16, from April 2008), with a new introduction. In the chaotic fighting to grab the mineral resources of Congo, the armies have made the bodies of civilian women military targets. This psy-ops strategy is obscene but not illogical. Documentary filmmaker Lisa F. Jackson explains.

Jackson created the award-winning 2007 documentary film, The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo.

Jackson receives Special Jury Prize at the Sundance
Film Festival, January 2008, for
The Greatest Silence.

Then Ynar Mohammed explains to Amy Goodman why the plight of women in Iraq today is much worse--and women are much much more oppressed--than was the case under the dictator the Americans "liberated" the Iraqi people from.

The humanitarian crises in Congo and in Iraq remain greater and graver than the sad situation in Darfur, Sudan. So why is all our attention being channeled to Darfur? Could there be oil under the (increasing) sands of Sudan? Would a little "humanitarian military intervention" do any great harm to Exxon-Mobil? (Answers: [1] yes; [2] probably not.)

Catch New World Notes (all times Eastern):
Coming up in NWN (central Connecticut Tuesday playdates shown):
  • October 20 -- # 85: Can We Save the Environment? -- Maybe. But not by selling the car, turning off the electricity, eating vegan, and taking shorter showers, argues Derrick Jensen.
  • October 27 -- #86: Michael Parenti Special

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