Saturday, October 17, 2009

Can WE Save the Environment?

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This week in New World Notes, radio program #85, Tuesday, October 20:

Can We Save
the Environment?

Realizing that no leadership on environmental crises will come from our political "leaders," ordinary Americans have begun making changes on their own. But what to do?

The show explores several approaches people are taking and advocating--including bicycling, recycling tap water, modifying everyday behavior, and raising chickens ... then reads Derrick Jensen's essay on why only political action will make any difference at all ... and ends by advocating all of the above.

Bucky Buckaw (Robert McMinn) & friend

Credit where due

Thanks to producers Joseph C. McGuire ("Everyday Environmentalist") and Robert McMinn ("Bucky Buckaw's Backyard Chicken Broadcast") for audio rebroadcast here. Produced for WWUH-FM, a community service of the University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT.

Derrick Jensen

This week's music: James McMurtry, God Bless America

Coming soon -- Tuesday debut dates on WWUH shown:

  • October 27 -- Michael Parenti interview *
  • November 3 -- Resisting War: Dahr Jamail in Hartford (9-20-2009)

Catch New World Notes (all times Eastern):

Dr. Michael Parenti (plaid shirt)

* Footnote:

A voice frequently heard on New World Notes--Michael Parenti's--can be heard live and in-person, at the University of Hartford at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, November 4. The acclaimed and popular political scientist and political analyst will speak on "Civil Liberties and Economic Democracy," in Wilde Auditorium of the University's Harry Jack Gray Center.

Admission is free, but tickets/reservations are required. To reserve your free ticket, call the University Box Office at (860) 768-4228, or toll-free at 800-274-8587.

I'll be there recording the talk (in the control room at the rear of the auditorium)--so please look me up and say hi. I'll be glad to see you again or else make your acquaintance! (I'm the chubby, bearded guy in his late 50s.)

Catch my recent conversation with Michael Parenti on next week's New World Notes.