Sunday, June 13, 2021

The GOP and the Dems: Hypocrisy and Betrayal

New World Notes #693, 28:05 (June 15)
Broadcast quality MP3 (39 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB) 

Noam Chomsky in 2017

In a new talk, Noam Chomsky gives the history of the Republican Party's vote-getting strategies over the past 50 years. These included racism plus pretending to believe in positions held by many working-class Whites: pro-gun-rights, anti-abortion, climate-change denial. Party leaders' actual core values remain advancing the interests of corporations and the rich.

Not that the Democratic Party is much better. K.D. reads from Eve Ottenberg's article, "Biden's Broken Promises Spell Hard Times Ahead." 

Chomsky was interviewed by phone on June 1, 2021. Thanks to The David Packman Show for the recording, which I have edited and condensed. Eve Ottenberg's article, dated June 11, 2021, appears online at . My reading omits a substantial portion of the article.

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