Tuesday, June 30, 2020


New World Notes #643, 28:11 (June 30)
Broadcast quality MP3 (39 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Eugenics is in the news again. We explore the sordid pseudo-science with a section from the film Human Resources (not previously broadcast on NWN), reflections by KD, and a song by David Rovics.

Thanks to Robin Upton (unwelcomeguests.net), who adapted all of Human Resources for radio broadcast. David Rovics' song "Denmark 1943" is from his album, The Other Side.

New World Notes broadcast the rest of Human Resources, in four installments, in October-November 2018.

This week's installment was previously broadcast. MP3 files downloaded feom the links, above, are identified as NWN #593.


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