Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Abominable Ways of Biotech

Part 1: New World Notes #639, 28:46 (June 2)
Broadcast quality MP3 (40 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Part 2: New World Notes #640, 28:07 (June 16)
Broadcast quality MP3 (40 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Another fine audio collage
by Chazk / Virtual Renderings, Created in 2013--and just as timely and important now as then.

It's about the insanity and the dangers--and the demonstrable bad health effects--of biotech tinkering with the food we eat.

Part 1 focuses on the problem of transplanting genes from one species to another and the multiple health hazards of Monsanto's glyphosate ("Roundup") herbicide.

Part 2 has more on the bad effects of glyphosate. Then on to genetically modified plants that produce their own insecticide--specifically BT toxin.

The collage includes the voices of Vandana Shiva, Andrew Kimbrell, Davis Suzuki, and others--plus some relevant music.

To hear or download (free) any or all of Virtual Renderings' audio collages, click on the link on the right sidebar of this page, under the heading, Worth a Look.

Previously broadcast, as NWN #533-534, in May 2018. Files downloaded from the links, above, are identified as #533 and 534.

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