Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Potpourri 7 (Football & Other Offenses)

New World Notes #621, 28:05 (January 28)
Broadcast quality MP3 (40 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

A bit of this and that--with a fair amount of the "this" being football. Features Progressive sports commentator Dave Zirin (with Ralph Nader) on traumatic brain injury; George Carlin; radical Black activist and writer Mumia Abu-Jamal (discussing not football but Howard Zinn); yours, truly; and a satiric song by Tom Lehrer (1953).

Thanks to The Ralph Nader Radio Hour (January 2019) for our selection from the Dave Zirin interview, and to Black Agenda Radio (December 2019) for the talk by Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Tom Lehrer (1960)

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