Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter Season in America

New World Notes #581, 28:44 (April 23)
Broadcast quality MP3 (39 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Easter parade: Note "Torch of Freedom" in
the fashionable young lady's right hand.

In a humorous and satiric monologue, KD reflects on several current (and some other) events, all somehow connected to Easter-time in America. Plus a song by David Rovics.

Topics include secularization and commercialization of holidays, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Mueller Report, John Brown, the Stop-and-Shop supermarket strike, and how Edward Bernays got American women hooked on cigarettes.

"John Brown" is from David Rovics' "Big Red Sessions" album.

John Brown--"Beecher's Bible" in his (right) hand--redefines the Easter parade.

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