Saturday, September 30, 2017


New World Notes #500, 28:49 (October 3)
Broadcast quality MP3 (28 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

An interesting look at our fascination with celebrities ... and corporate marketers' exploitation of this to sell products.

In fact our attraction to celebrities appears rooted in our evolution: the closer our ancestors got to the alpha male, the more likely they were to survive.

The show includes parts of the documentary film Starsuckers and Chris Hedges' critique of Michael Jackson's funeral.

Chris Hedges' speech was recorded on October 14, 2009, by Ethan Osland, of Black Mask Winnipeg ( Thanks to Ethan and Black Mask for permission to rebroadcast.

Previously broadcast, as NWN #183, in September 2011.

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