Sunday, July 10, 2016

How the Government Spies on You

New World Notes #436, 27:52 (July 12)
Broadcast quality MP3 (38 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB) (Link unavailable at the moment)

A talk by technology expert and civil-liberties activist Chris Soghoian.

The government tried to prevent strong encryption of phone calls and text and email messages. Failing that, it now hacks and decrypts personal communications at will ... and worse. It's not just the NSA and FBI: with federal funds, local police forces also are acquiring and using the latest secret surveillance technology. Citizens have been fighting back--often successfully--through the courts and the media.

Soghoian spoke in Seattle on March 11, 2016.  The original audio recording (which I have edited and condensed a little) courtesy of Mike McCormick.

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