Sunday, February 2, 2014


New World Notes #309, 29:06 (February 4):

Broadcast quality MP3 (40 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

In Brief

In Israel, military service is close to universal. Motivated by conscience--and at substantial personal risk--some Israeli soldiers refuse to serve with the occupying forces in Palestine. These soldiers are known as Refusers. We explore this important movement. And we'll hear one Refuser's story in depth, that of air force Major Yonatan Shapira, interviewed by Mike McCormick.

Music added: Chumbawamba, "Walking Into Battle With the Lord."

This installment was originally broadcast on New World Notes (as #66) in June 2009.  A broadcast quality (192 kbps) MP3 recording is now available for the first time.

Major Yonatan Shapira, IDF Air Force Reserve, and the Apache "assault and rescue" helicopter he piloted.

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