Friday, December 25, 2009


New World Notes News
Vol. 2 No. 51 -- December 26, 2009

This Week in New World Notes, radio program #95, Dec. 29:


In a nutshell

I tried to make a hodgepodge
of interesting unrelated items, but everything came out interconnected anyway! Features Brit journalist Johann Hari's expose' of Israel's secret weapon against Palestine--tons of untreated Settler sewage. The US's bloody foreign policy since--I dunno--1898? 1756? Glen Ford on Obama, "The Banksters," & dancin' to "The Monster Crash." As Zola wrote, I accuse! Happy New Year!

Discharge of sewage from Israeli settlement of Beitar
Illit pours down onto Palestinian fields, destroying
crops and poisoning drinking water.

This week's music

Notes & Credits

Correction: Last week I mistakenly said that the music in our Christmas show (#94) was performed by 3 Jews and a gay Gentile. In fact, the music was performed by 2 Jews, a gay Gentile, and a Swedish Baptist (Stan Freberg). Could I make this stuff up?

For more by Glen Ford & other good commentary, see

Johann Hari, "Israel is Suppressing a Secret It Must Face," originally in The Independent (London), April 28, 2008. I condensed & edited the U.S. version, from Common Dreams. Full text here:

Johann Hari

Free subscription to weekly New World Notes email newsletter upon request. (Subscribers list is totally confidential.)

Thanks to David Schonfeld for rounding up this week's 2nd song & permission to broadcast it.

New World Notes is produced under the auspices (Latin for "spreading chestnut tree") of WWUH-FM, a community service of the University of Hartford. Feedback to kdowst at hotmail period com.

Coming soon -- Tuesday debut dates on WWUH shown:

  • January 5 -- Varieties of Sexual Experience, OR: Goldberg's Other Variations
  • January 12 -- The Kids Are All Right -- Including teenaged Presidential Scholars who stood up to Bush on torture . . . and young protestors in Copenhagen who combined sanity & street theatre. Gen-X slackers are dead. Long live the kids!

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